Hiking to Monte Epomeo

The Monte Epomeo mountain - one of the extinct volcanoes that formed the island of Ischia and the highest point of the island. The height of 872 meters is not too impressive, but, through of this, climb to the top of the hill is not too difficult. The road to the top of the mountain starts right from the bus stop of the village of Fontana, but not Serrara Fontana, as informs the most of touristic portals.

Map of route from Fontana to Monte Epomeo

You can get the Fontana village by bus of CD line from Ischia Porto or from the Forio by CS line (map of Ischia bus route).

Pathway to the Top

Path to Monte Epomeo

From a small square in Fontana village with a church and a taxi stand begins Epomeo Street (Via Epomeo) and I went there...read more

Church of St. Nicholas (Chiesa Eremo sul Monte Epomeo)

Church of St. Nicholas (Chiesa Eremo sul Monte Epomeo)

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On the Top of Monte Epomeo

On the top of Monte Epomeo

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Views from the Peak of Monte Epomeo

Views from the peak of Monte Epomeo

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Flora and Fauna

Monte Epomeo. Flora and fauna

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Downhill Along a Mountain Path

Monte Epomeo. Downhill on a mountain path

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